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AI Chatbots have a bad incentive
friend.com's characters are very much positioned as struggling, emotionally vulnerable avatars that need YOU to be their friend to have someone to talk to...this is bad.
a small lamentation on my struggles with rhythmn
bro stop yapping and get some work done.
Some newgrad CS major ramblings
i yap.
Get these geopolitics out of my tech bubble :-(
As much as I am not actively involved in consuming and thinking about politics, it politics always thinks about you, dear reader, because you are another human being capable of control and manipulation for someone else's plans!
If you're struggling, whatever you do, do not turn to an AI chatbot.
another person has killed themself after talking to an ai chatbot
Brief advice I would give to my past self 5 years ago if I could
You're in for a long bumpy ride little boy!
Be Wary of Modern Therapy
Can you be sane in an insane world?
Getting Vim-brained -- How using Vim has changed my life
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much would you recommend Neovim to a friend? "I need you to understand that people don't just recommend text editors in normal conversations"
Generalists Over Specialists
Follow your interests and pursue your passions. Y'know, the cringey type shit.
Random online community - 1
I basically identify as a kind of anti-social cishet man (what a surprise) and I guess I'll spotlight some random online communities I find if it interests anyone who sees this!
Can we stop talking about AI for one damn minute?
More rants on AI in 2024.
An Asian American Experience
Peeling off the mask a little bit, let's talk a little bit about some common things associated with an asian american living experience.
My Linux Experience So Far
So this is where all my time just disappears into, that's why I'm never getting work done!
The False Promise of AI Friendship
While many find the idea absolutely attractive, including me tbh, let's try to mingle with the other humans, yea?
What is a woman?
These women, are they are in the room with us right now?
New Design
Another total design change is coming!
Starting Meditation
A little dip into spirituality, if I can keep consistent.
Sifting through a lot of one dollar coins.
Noise Overstimulation
I rant about the need of peace and quiet. It scares me to think that if I am to conform to normal adult living with other people, you're never going to get calm, peace, and quiet ever again. But maybe that's just a false narrative.
Gifted Kids Are Special Needs Kids
You know the types, peaked in high school or maybe even college. But once thrust into the real world, well, well, well. It's time to learn other things, whether you like it or not.
Undergraduate Graduation
out of school, but not done with learning, the lessons keep on coming, hard and fast...
Not becoming an anti-social male
I try to wrestle with the idea of NOT becoming too anti-social, despite my predispositions.
Coming out about my manosphere days.
oh man. im sorry. im sorry. im sorry.
Life is funny.
a temporary moment of false thinking that ill stop my coffee addiction. sorry buddy, maybe when pigs fly.
Questioning my Own Sanity
stick with me now, we're going to get through this. we are going to stay sane.
AI Automation
who needs a job anyways, amirite
Exploring and Exfiltrating the Darkest Parts of the Mind Prison
oftentimes, when you try to solve a problem, you will realize that something's not right, because the problem that you are trying to solve is not the right problem to begin with.
it's ok, you are who you are. and only you can change who you believe yourself to be.
idk what goes on in my head when i write these things.
Young Love
What is love? Oh, baby, don't hurt me.
Feeling Dumb and Odd
by golly, gee willikers, embrace the feeling and struggle, struggle, and struggle. just keep pushing.
Myth of Sisyphus
"One must imagine Sisyphus happy." unfortunately lives inside my head rent free.
why can't i just cool, calm, and confident literally all the time? 😎
Internet Behavior
yap yap yap...brainrot + L + ratio
When you write blogs, you're probably someone who reads blogs in the first place. Here's some blogs I enjoy.
Getting ahead of myself
gotta go fast, and embrace the falls.
What does it mean to be a man?
When you live your life as an imperfect man, you start to question and wonder if you're doing it "right".
this isn't going to be the last time i change how this blog is created/looks, but this is one of them...
I'm going to cringe at many things that I've written on this blog in the future, and that's ok.
Human Identity
Some random yap about thinking about one's sense of identity and tying that into how we all interact and share ideas with one another.
Why this site exists
i just want to share my thoughts
Watching AI Accelerate as a Regular CS Undergrad
every average wannabe dev feeling ever
Some thoughts on the Replika AI Chatbot, along with some commentary on AI chatbots in general.
the fracturing of a fragile mind
the mind is a wonderful thing, and i haven't been taking proper care of it.
im gonna die alone
Moving Domains
my secops is 🤡 but i try
Imposter Syndrome 2
this feeling is valid, it is a sign you do not know enough, that you are not doing the right things. that you are not grinding. listen to the feeling and do what you have always been putting off.
Audacity or Overthinking?
stop thinking about doing the thing and just do it
Video Essays on YouTube
digital media creators, hats off to you. keep on creating.
It Has Arrived...
hp reverb g2 clarity is pretty good. beat saber <3
Hopes for New VR Experiences
goodbye meat space, im going in.
Imposter Syndrome
ah im not actually good enough, and its scaring me...ngmi?
hey everyone the 20 year old thinks he's figured out the meaning of life
when you write something like the post before this you feel like you just want to pull everything you ever put online off...but once the genie comes out of the bottle, there's no going back.
Teenage Troubles
this is one of the most embarrasing things ive written about myself
Embrace the power of being a child whilst being an adult.
children pretending to be adults
Pain can increase creativity (for me)
negative feeling -> action -> success in endeavor
No longer self hosting and no longer home...Home ISP Decided to Fuck Me Over 😡
these were the days, when this website was hosted on a lg gram laptop from my home. now it lives in a vps.
cringe ahead, guy thinks he's a responsible-chad or something
idk tbh, writing this long while later, wasn't utf-8 encoding always on for my text files?
heros journey...crawl, walk, run!
What am I going to do with my life?
yet again another existential thought consumes the mind
To be or not to be edgy.
edgelord mode on
Dumb thoughts that should have been tweets...
some things you just can't take back from the internet.